Rift by Andrea Cremer (from the library) - I've already finished this! 'Twas very good; I'm hoping to get a review up soon.
I Am Number Four: The Lost Files: The Legacies by Pittacus Lore (purchased) - After finishing The Rise of Nine, I needed this ASAP! It's all the smaller e-book novellas together in paperback.
I'd also just like to take a second to talk about Hurricane Sandy, a terrible storm that shook up the Tri-State Area this past week. I live in Staten Island, New York and luckily my family and house weathered the storm unscathed, but there were so many other families who were not so lucky. Several Staten Island neighborhoods, mainly those by the water, were completely destroyed. Several of my friends are now essentially homeless; many more families still do not have electricity or heat restored to their homes. It is sad to say, but we've barely seen help from FEMA and Red Cross. Thankfully our community has come together in amazing ways, with countless families such as my own volunteering our time and donating essential items (blankets, clothing, food, bottled water, toiletries) to those who lost everything.
(PS: clinking on any of the links in the above paragraph leads to relevant news articles with photos)
That being said, we still need more help. If you live in one of the areas affected by the hurricane, you can check your local news for areas accepting donations. If you live far away, but would still like to help, I am providing links to relief funds being raised by people I know to be used here on Staten Island. I am also providing a link to Red Cross and AmeriCares if you prefer to donate there, although I honestly believe it would be more fruitful to donate to one of the local funds. Every dollar helps! Thank you so much :)
Hurricane Sandy Relief: Giving Back From Far Away - this fund was started by New Yorkers who are currently away at college and cannot come home to personally help with the recovery efforts
Help Staten Island - Hurricane Sandy Relief Fund - this fund was established by one of my former high school classmates; there is more information on exactly where this money will be donated on the link page
AmeriCares Disaster Relief Fund /// American Red Cross - Disaster Relief