Monday, January 31, 2011

January Recap

This is my first monthly recap post, but I'll be doing one at the end of each month to link up all the books I've read, choose my favorite, and post other news/upcoming events. By the way, ONE MONTH BLOGOVERSARY YAY! Thanks to all my followers, I never thought anyone would actually care about the things I have to say, but you guys have proved me wrong (and I really appreciate it!) Okay, back to the goes:

Random News:
I joined Twitter! You can find me here.

Books Read & Reviewed:
  1. Fallen by Lauren Kate
  2. Lost Voices by Sarah Porter (my review is already up on Goodreads, but I won't post it on the blog until a date closer to the book's July release)
  3. Blood Bound by Patricia Briggs
  4. Here Lies Bridget by Paige Harbison
  5. Remedial Magic by Jenna Black (short story)
  6. My Soul to Steal by Rachel Vincent
  7. Hunger by Jackie Morse Kessler
  8. I Am Number Four by Pittacus Lore [review coming soon]
Favorite January read: hmmm... I think it's a tie between Blood Bound and I Am Number Four

Upcoming Events:
The first Behind the Blog post will be next Monday
I'll most likely be hosting my first giveaway when I reach 100 followers

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