Question: Any New Year's reading resolutions?
My Answer: Yep! I've already made a list of a few, and I'm sure I'll come up with more later on in the year =P
- My main goal is to read the handful of books that have been collecting dust on my bookshelf for months ever since I bought them.
- Don't buy any more books until goal #1 is met (I'm not too confident that this is a goal I'll be able to follow lol)
- Re-read the Harry Potter series at some point
- Read more classics (luckily, I got about 45 as free e-books from B&N... now time to read them!)
- More reading, less facebook -- facebook is the ultimate time sucking vortex... and I don't feel like it's well-spent procrastination time. If I'm going to procrastinate (and I will, obviously lol), at least let it be something relaxing and educational instead of a complete waste of time
- Try to step out of my YA fantasy comfort zone and read more genres (mostly, I'd like to read more non-fiction... I've already got The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot on my TBR list... a step in the right direction!)
Do you have any reading resolutions for 2011?
Share them here! (or link to your post)
Rereading the HP series--what an excellent goal, they are some of my favorite books of all time! I'm right there with you on the procrastinating--less aimless surfing is one of my resolutions for sure.